code and text for quiz 3
load the packages we need
read the data into R.
# A tibble: 379 x 5
company profit tax tax_rate industry
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 3M 3378 601 0.178 Miscellaneous manufactu…
2 ABM Industries 87.5 -0.173 -0.00197 Miscellaneous services
3 Activision Blizz… 447 -243 -0.544 Computers, office equip…
4 AECOM Technology 244. -186. -0.765 Engineering & construct…
5 Agilent Technolo… 168 21 0.125 Metals & metal products
6 Air Products & C… 671. -17 -0.0253 Chemicals
7 AK Steel Holding 169. -0.5 -0.00297 Metals & metal products
8 Alaska Air Group 576 -5 -0.00868 Transportation
9 Allegheny Techno… 192. 1 0.00522 Miscellaneous manufactu…
10 Alliance Data Sy… 986. 130. 0.132 Financial Data Services
# … with 369 more rows